Nova generacija srpske dijaspore u Velikoj Britaniji odlučna je u nameri da poboljša odnose između Britanije i Srbije...Ako inicijativa ovih mladih ljudi urodi plodom, u britanskom parlamentu bi mogla da bude osnovana Svepartijska grupa za Srbiju.PEčALBA - Većina njih nikada nije sanjala ni gde će ih život odvesti, a...

Diplomata sa čistom desetkom

Dušica Stoilković je prvo bila vukovac, potom student generacije na međunarodnom smeru Fakulteta političkih nauka u Beogradu, a sada je najbolja u svojoj grupi na postdiplomskim studijama u Londonu, iako ima samo 24 godine. - Na prijemnom u Beogradu bilo nas je 900, a o trošku države moglo je...
Придружите нам се на пићу после посла у среду, 22. марта од 18ч – касно. Све детаље бара у којем се налазимо можете наћи ОВДЕ. Видимо се тамо, ВАШ ССК ТИМ
Придружите нам се на многобројним догађајима током 9-тог Српског месеца у Великој Британији. Догађаји почињу 14. јануара и трајаће широм Велике Британије до 5. марта 2017. године. Целокупан програм можете наћи ОВДЕ.
The International School of London (situated in west London) is currently looking for a part time Serbian teacher. The job involves teaching Serbian as mother tongue to a Grade 10 student twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays mornings and a meeting session every Wednesday afternoon. Anybody who is interested should contact Lena Isherwood via email including some information about themselves and CV. The post Serbian teacher post at the International School of London appeared first on Serbian Council of Great Britain.
Prošle nedelje, kad je Ejup Ganić, član ratnog Predsedništva BiH, dotad nama nepoznata Sanela Dženiks, za koju bosansko-hrvatske novine i tisak tvrde da je bogata, da je poslovna žena, humanitarka i "najpoznatija Sarajka", istovremeno je, na neki način i političar dubokog džepa, počasni savetnik predsednika Predsedništva BiH dr Harisa...

Annual Membership

Serbian Council of Great Britain Annual Membership Become a Member Join the Serbian Council of Great Britain (SCGB) today and you’ll be joining a group of people committed to promoting the interests of the Serbian community in Britain and devoted to preserving the cultural heritage of the Serbian community in Britain for future generations. Annual Membership brings you: • The right to vote at the AGM • Receipt of regular Newsletters • Discounts of up to 10% on all SCGB events and programmes • Priority booking for events • Free refreshments on selected events Annual membership starts from the day of joining. Membership is £2 per month or £24 for an annual payment. For young people between 18-25 and senior citizens (over 65) the price is £1.25 per month or £15 for annual membership. Payments can be made directly to the account as a direct debit or single payment. Our bank details are: Lloyd Bank, sort code 30-94-81, Account Number 01778337, REF: Membership. Cheques payable to the S..

Zamalo linčovali čarlsa i Kamilu!

Napad anarhista i studenata na automobil britanskog princaMalo je falilo! Velika Britanija umalo nije ostala bez princa čarlsa i njegove supruge Kamile, nakon što je besna rulja studenata i anarhista napala njihovu limuzinu dok su bili na putu za pozorište.Više od 20.000 studenata okupilo se ispred zgrade britanskog parlamenta...
Najbolje rangirana teniserka Srbije Jelena Janković osvojila je miks dubl u Vimbldonu u paru sa Britancem Džejmijem Marejem. Jelena i Džejmi su u finalu bili bolji od Šveđanina Jonasa Bjorkmana i Australijanke Alisije Molik sa 2:1, po setovima 6:4, 3:6, 6:1.Džejmi Marej je tako postao prvi Britanac posle 20...
Serbian Month Catalogue is available HERE This catalogue produced and designed by the Serbian Council of Great Britain is a special publication to celebrate and commemorate the tenth anniversary of Serbian Month in Great Britain. It not only lists this year full schedule of events, but it also contains information on Serbian organisations in Britain, as well as those working with Serbia, online communities and publications for British Serbs, and finally artists of Serbian origin leaving and working in Britain. The post Tenth Anniversary of Serbian Month Catalogue with full programme and much more appeared first on Serbian Council of Great Britain.