The Award Ceremony for the 18 pupils who successfully completed the Serbian GCSE Level Course was held on Friday 16th June 2017 at the Holiday Inn, Kensington High Street and the certificates were presented by Branislav Lečić and Marko Grabež, two of Serbia’s best known and well respected actors. To view full text and photos from Britic click HERE To read article published on RTS page in Serbian click HERE The post Parents proud of record-breaking “Serbian GCSE” students (from Britic & RTS) appeared first on Serbian Council of Great Britain.
We are very proud of our journey over the last decade looking back to the first Serbian Week in Great Britain held in Leeds and London in 2008. What started with a few events in 2008 has grown from year to year becoming Serbian Month and reaching thirty-eight impressive events held in nine towns this year. Serbian Month was initiated by three organisations (Serbian Council of Great Britain, Serbian City Club and Serbian Society) and over time caught the imagination of over twenty organisations, numerous individuals, and the Serbian government, who joined this celebration of Serbian culture, heritage and the contribution it makes to British society. As result Serbian Month is viewed as the biggest Serbian festival of its kind worldwide. This is a great achievement of the Serbian Diaspora in Britain and serves as proof of our creativity and our ability to work together for the good of the community. The success of the event means that expectations are raised each year and particularly t..
Придружите нам се на пићу после посла у среду, 26. октобра 2016. године од 18 часова до касно. Дружење ће бити у Вино бару, Јована Рајића 5е, Црвени Крст. Унапред се радујемо виђању! Ваш ССК тим

Serbian Month The post Serbian Month appeared first on Serbian Council of Great Britain.
Велико хвала нашем госту Зорану Кесићу на гостовању у британском Парламенту у среду, 1. фебруара 2017. У прилогу је аудио снимак вечери На кафи са Зораном Кесићем Хвала свима који су донацијама омогућили одржавање овог догађаја. Ваш ССК тим
Придружите нам се на пићу после посла у среду, 14. септембра 2016. године од 18ч до касно. Дружење ће бити на Tattershall castle броду код Ембанкмент станице метроа. Више инфомација можете наћи овде. Видимо се тамо, Ваш ССК тим
The Round Table is pleased to announce that, once again, it intends to run a Serbian Language course that meets GCSE standards, from late September 2017. Although the course does not offer a recognised qualification it has been designed by academics an language teachers to meet the requirements set out by Ofqual (the government body responsible for examinations in England).This is a great opportunity for young people to develop their knowledge of the Serbian language and Serbian culture and to make new friends. Who: Pupils aged 12 + who have a working knowledge of Serbian in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Candidates will be given short tests in these 4 skills before being accepted on the course. When: Saturday afternoons from14.00 ‐ 17.00 beginning on 30 September 2017 and finishing in February 2019 i.e. four full terms, although the course will run over 5 school terms. Where: Kensington Aldridge Academy, 1 Silchester Road London W10 6EX Fees: £240 per pupil for the four t..

Great British Serbs

Celebrating and Enhancing British Serb Identity From business people to artists, homemakers to sportstars, the UK is full of first, second and third generation Serbs making a fantastic contribution, and we want to celebrate them! Serbian Council of Great Britain and Britic are launching a quest to find Great British Serbs. The Serbian Council of Great Britain (SCGB) works to preserve and promote the Serbian culture and the Serbian community’s contribution to British Society. In its quest to the deliver this task the SCGB the Serbian Council of Great Britain was successful in bidding for this project to the Big Lottery Fund under the Awards for All scheme. As part of the project we have created a web page and hosted a number of open community events across England to celebrate, promote and enhance the identity of British Serbs. As an additional benefit, this project improves the cooperation amongst other Serbian Community organisations and projects in Britain with similar objectives. W..

Round Table

Round Table The Round Table (RT) approach was initiated in April 2010 by the Serbian Council of Great Britain (SCGB). It responded to the invitation from the then Serbian Ministry for Diaspora, to the Serbian Community in the UK, to take part at the Diaspora Assembly Inauguration in Belgrade in July 2010. The initial hurried, but effective work, of SCGB was directed at meeting the short deadline set by the then Serbian Ministry. Following the first meeting, two UK representatives were elected and then attended meetings in Serbia in 2010 and 2011. Due to the latest restructuring of the Serbian Government, as part of the General elections in Serbia, the Serbian Diaspora Assembly meeting did not take place in 2012. Whilst we await an official response from the Serbian Government about their future plans for the Serbian Diaspora Assembly, the Round Table initiative continues its work in identifying and dealing with the needs of the British Serbian Community. The main aim of the Round Ta..

Srpski mesec u Velikoj Britaniji

"Ušli smo u drugu nedelju manifestacije i do sada smo imali sijaset veoma zanimljivih događaja, od predavanja preko izložbi, muzičkih koncerata, proslave Svetog Save, mini sajma knjiga i raznih intervjua.Tokom sledećih nedelja nastavljamo punom parom, uključujući i Svetosavski bal, a program svih dešavanja može da se nađe na portalima raznih organizacija u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, kao