Dušica Stoilković je prvo bila vukovac, potom student generacije na međunarodnom smeru Fakulteta političkih nauka u Beogradu, a sada je najbolja u svojoj grupi...
Poslednje nedelje u septembru navršava se tacno pola veka od osvecenja srpske crkve Sveti Sava u Londonu. Za vreme svog višedecenijskog postojanja crkva je...
Saturday 14th – Sunday 15th September 2019
Contemporary Balkans ArtFestival of Southeast European documentary film (14-15 September)
and photography (29 August – 15 September)
Whole festival, CoBA page: http://contemporarybalkanart.com/unwanted-identities-storytelling-post-yugoslav-context/
RichMix https://richmix.org.uk/events/southeast-european-future-festival/
FB page Storytelling in the Post-Yugoslav Context
Komisija za uređivačke standarde britanskog Bi-Bi-Sija (BBC) oštro je kritikovala turistički dokumentarni serijal Majkla Palina o ratovima na prostoru bivše SFRJ zbog "netačnog prikaza...
Придружите нам се на многобројним догађајима током 9-тог Српског месеца у Великој Британији.
Догађаји почињу 14. јануара и трајаће широм Велике Британије до 5. марта 2017. године.
Целокупан програм можете наћи ОВДЕ.
Dear Members,
On behalf of the Management Committee it is my pleasure to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of the Serbian Council of Great Britain. The meeting will take place at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia, 28 Belgrave Square, Belgravia, London SW1X 8QB on Tuesday 12th February 2019.
The Annual General Meeting will begin at6pm and the guest speakers at the event will be Nataša Milićević – Dobrominov, Director Azbukum Centre and Biljana Novković-Adžaip, Azbukum Centre who will talk about the work of the Azbukum Centre in Serbia, which has taught Serbian as a foreign language since 1995 and whose courses have been accredited by the Serbian government and are recognised in Europe and beyond. Through a partnership with the Round Table it is hoped that their course at GCSE level will be taught in Britain from the autumn of 2019 and students will receive a recognised qualification. Parents of potential students are encouraged to attend.
The AGM will be followed at 8pm by..
Jeftina radna snaga koju niko ne želiZbog postavljenih ograničenja u traženju posla, rumunski i bugarski građevinski radnici su primorani raditi ispod cijene i izloženi...
Kupovina montažne kuće je sve češća solucija za ljude koji nemaju rešeno stambeno pitanje, a ne pate od toga da žive u centru...Kompletan trošak,...
Srpski siti klub ističe da su njihovi članovi tokom dvosatnog razgovora imali priliku da čuju informacije o radu institucija u Srbiji i ulozi ombudsmana...
Dear Serbian organisations and individuals,
The Tenth Anniversary of Serbian Month in Great Britain in 2018 is fast approaching. This anniversary provides another opportunity for us to come together to share and showcase our ideas, aspirations and creativity with the British and Serbian community.
Serbian Fair on Saturday 3rd March 2018
We invite all organisations and individuals to take part and make this Jubilee exceptional. Therefore, we would like to invite you to take part in the Serbian Fair on Saturday 3rd March 2018(place to be confirmed). This one day event will be the culmination of the celebrations of Serbian Month 2018 and is planned to give all Serbian organisations, or those working with Serbia, an opportunity to present their work to the Serbian community and the wider British public. It will show the talent, diversity and richness of our community and the positive contribution we make to British society. Organisations represented at the fair will be given a stall on ..