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Round Table
The Round Table (RT) approach was initiated in April 2010 by the Serbian Council of Great Britain (SCGB).
It responded to the invitation from the then Serbian Ministry for Diaspora, to the Serbian Community in the UK, to take part at the Diaspora Assembly Inauguration in Belgrade in July 2010. The initial hurried, but effective work, of SCGB was directed at meeting the short deadline set by the then Serbian Ministry. Following the first meeting, two UK representatives were elected and then attended meetings in Serbia in 2010 and 2011. Due to the latest restructuring of the Serbian Government, as part of the General elections in Serbia, the Serbian Diaspora Assembly meeting did not take place in 2012.
Whilst we await an official response from the Serbian Government about their future plans for the Serbian Diaspora Assembly, the Round Table initiative continues its work in identifying and dealing with the needs of the British Serbian Community. The main aim of the Round Ta..
26th Jan – 3rd March 2018
London, Reading, Birmingham, Halifax, Corby, Bedford, Leicester, Peterborough, Tunbridge Wells
We are very proud of the journey we have been on over the last decade especially when we look back to the beginning of that journey the first Serbian Week in Great Britain held in Leeds and London in 2008.
What started with a few events in 2008, has grown from year to year to become Serbian Month with over thirty impressive events held in numerous towns around Britain. Over the last decade Serbian Month has taken place in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Reading, Birmingham, Norwich, Halifax, York, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Brighton, Tunbridge Wells, Forest Row, Maidenhead, Leamington Spa, Bedford, Corby, Leicester and Peterborough.
Serbian Month was initiated by three organisations (Serbian Council of Great Britain, Serbian City Club and Serbian Society) and over time it has caught the imagination of over thirty organisations, numerous individuals, and the Serbian governm..
Tek objavljeno kapitalno delo akademika dr Dragoljuba Živojinovića Nevoljni ratnici, velike sile i Solunski front ozbiljno je uzdrmala čitavu i ne samo našu savremenu...
U svečanoj atmosferi i punoj sali Doma vladike Nikolaja Velimirovića, pri crkvi Svetog Save u Londonu, proslavljena je krsna slava ovdašnje Srpske duhovne zajednice,...
U nedelju 27.10. u zapadnom delu Londona, održavam svoj solo stand uip comedy show- S NOGU* (*Sredstvo za protiv jugonostalgije i jugofobije).Link na Facebook...
Serbian Language Courses for Beginners, GCSE and A Level w ith a recognised qualification.
The Round Table is pleased to announce that it intends to run Serbian Language courses from September 2021 in partnership with the Azbukum Centre for Serbian Language and Culture in Serbia, offering a recognised qualification at the end of courses.
The courses have been designed by the Azbukum Centre (www.azbukum.edu.rs) which is based in Novi Sad and Belgrade and has been teaching Serbian as a foreign language to adults and young people since 1995.
Azbukum courses were accredited by the Serbian Ministry of Education in 2017 and correspond to the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages (ECFRL),so their qualifications are recognised not only in Serbia but in Europe and beyond.
For further information or to express an interest insigning up a pupil for the course please contact: Olga Stanojlović – olga.stanojlovic@btinternet.com
Download brochure
The post Serbian Language Cou..
Istoričar Mark Almond smatra da je novi šef britanske diplomatije zabrinut za budućnost BiH zbog opasnost da Dejtonski sporazum propadneDa li će promena vlade...
Svakog oktobra engleski grad Koventri, nekad centar britanske vojne, a sad automobilske industrije, oživljava sećanje na onaj oktobar 1940. kad je nemački Luftvafe u...
Poziv članova reda Svetoga Jovana iz Jerusalima da kao počasni gosti u Glazgovu prisustvuju obeležavanju 250. rođendana škotskog pesnika Robija Burnsa, prinčevski par Karađorđević...