Wednesday 11th September 2019, 6.30pm
Introduction to the Azbukum Serbian Language Course in the UK
Embassy of the Republic of Serbia, 28 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8QB
On 11th September 2019, the Round Table has the pleasure of hosting an introduction to the Azbukum Serbian Language Course at GCSE Foundation and Higher Level and A level, for pupils from 12 to 18 years of age. The course will be taught over one academic year from 21st September 2019 at the Bishop Nikolaj Community Centre for 3 hours on Saturdays during term time.The course has been designed by the Azbukum Centre (, an organisation based in Novi Sad and Belgrade which has been teaching Serbian as a foreign language to adults and young people since 1995. Azbukum courses were accredited by the Serbian Ministry of Education in 2017 and correspond to the European Common Framework of Reference for Languages (ECFRL), so their qualifications are recognised not only in Serbia but in Europe and beyond. Th..
Following the formal notice of our Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday, 26th February 2016, please see below the full Agenda and the list of Management Committee and Officer posts candidates in the document below.
AGM 2018 Agenda
AGM 2017 Minutes of the Serbian Council of Great Britain
The AGM will be followed by a book launch of Death’s Sting: Duplicity and Deceit in the Balkans by Ewen Southby-Tailyoura organised by Serbian Council of Great Britain and St Sava’s Parish Church.
Please see the full programme HERE
The post 2018 Annual General Meeting – Notice & Agenda appeared first on Serbian Council of Great Britain.
Придружите нам се на пићу после посла у среду, 26. октобра 2016. године од 18 часова до касно.
Дружење ће бити у Вино бару, Јована Рајића 5е, Црвени Крст.
Унапред се радујемо виђању!
Ваш ССК тим
Od desetine albanskih azilanata zatraženo je da vrate svoje britanske pasoše zbog sumnje da su mnogi koji su tvrdili da su bežali sa Kosova...
You can view our Annual Newsletter with updates on our recent projects by clicking the link below.
Newsletter 2018 SCGB
The post Annual Newsletter Published appeared first on Serbian Council of Great Britain.
Emboldened by this experience the management committee decided it wanted to do something to support and thank the health systems in Britain and Serbia who were doing so much to protect and look after the general public in both countries. We decided to hold an on-line fundraising concert on 3rd May 2020 with any funds raised being split equally between Serbia and Britain. The ‘We are in this Together Concert’, was organised and co-hosted by Lazar Vukovic, a member of the Serbian Council management committee and featured RJ Gibb (son of the late Robin Gibb of the the Bee Gee’s), the Serbian pop star Boban Rajovic, a magician Andrew Eborn , who also co-hosted the event and there were guest appearances from by Toyah Wilcox and Tony Moore. The concert which had ….views raised £1,150 for the NHS and Lifeline in Serbia.
Full concert available here:
RJ Gibb & Boban Rajovic – ‘How deep is your love’ in aid of the NHS & Lifeline Serbia
Britansko-skandinavska eparhija Srpske pravoslavne crkve postala je bogatija za još jednu parohiju koja je osnovana u Dablinu, glavnom gradu Irske, gde živi oko 150...
Državna revizorska institucija trebalo bi da ispituje i nabavke koje su izuzete od primene zakona o javnim nabavkama, poput vojske i policijeNe postoji društvo...
Veliki broj ljudi iz naše zemlje zaposleno u prestižnom Sitiju. Plate visoke, kao i troškovi. Radi se od jutra do sutra, pa slobodnog vremena...
Nemački i francuski ministri unutrašnjih poslova, Volfgang Šojble i Nikola Sarkozi, predložili su na skupu u engleskom gradiću Stratfordu na Evonu da Evropska unija...