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Lazar Džamić je govorio i o svojim knjigama, i o tome kako je izgledao njegov put od započinjanja karijere u Srbiji, preko prilike da postane šef za planiranje brenda u Guglu u Londonu, do vrlo cenjenog pisca i odličnog tumača mentaliteta naroda, saznajemo od organizatora skupa, Srpskog siti kluba...
The post Serbian Month appeared first on Serbian Council of Great Britain.
Celebrating and Enhancing British Serb Identity
From business people to artists, homemakers to sportstars, the UK is full of first, second and third generation Serbs making a fantastic contribution, and we want to celebrate them! Serbian Council of Great Britain and Britic are launching a quest to find Great British Serbs.
The Serbian Council of Great Britain (SCGB) works to preserve and promote the Serbian culture and the Serbian community’s contribution to British Society. In its quest to the deliver this task the SCGB the Serbian Council of Great Britain was successful in bidding for this project to the Big Lottery Fund under the Awards for All scheme. As part of the project we have created a web page and hosted a number of open community events across England to celebrate, promote and enhance the identity of British Serbs. As an additional benefit, this project improves the cooperation amongst other Serbian Community organisations and projects in Britain with similar objectives. W..
Promoting learning of the Serbian language in Britain
One of the top priorities of the Serbian Council of Great Britain has been support for the provision and promotion of the Serbian language in Britain and across all Serbian diaspora communities because of the key role it plays in preserving our cultural heritage, maintaining links with Serbia and other diaspora communities, and enhancing the life skills and employment opportunities of our young people.
In pursuit of this objective our representatives to the Diaspora Assembly raised the importance of standardising the way in which Serbian is taught in diaspora communities at the Second Annual Session of the Diaspora Assembly in July 2011 and the Serbian Council placed the issue on the agenda of the Round Table meeting in Leicester in November 2011.
At the Round Table meeting, attended by Serbian community groups and organisations from across Britain, discussion focussed upon how to assess demand for Serbian in Britain, building on..
Round Table
The Round Table (RT) approach was initiated in April 2010 by the Serbian Council of Great Britain (SCGB).
It responded to the invitation from the then Serbian Ministry for Diaspora, to the Serbian Community in the UK, to take part at the Diaspora Assembly Inauguration in Belgrade in July 2010. The initial hurried, but effective work, of SCGB was directed at meeting the short deadline set by the then Serbian Ministry. Following the first meeting, two UK representatives were elected and then attended meetings in Serbia in 2010 and 2011. Due to the latest restructuring of the Serbian Government, as part of the General elections in Serbia, the Serbian Diaspora Assembly meeting did not take place in 2012.
Whilst we await an official response from the Serbian Government about their future plans for the Serbian Diaspora Assembly, the Round Table initiative continues its work in identifying and dealing with the needs of the British Serbian Community. The main aim of the Round Ta..
B92 | Sibina KratovacNekadašnji ambasador Velike Britanije u Jugoslaviji, sada predsednik Triniti koledža u Oksfordu, ser Ajvor Roberts, predstavio je nedavno u Beogradu knjigu "Satou: Diplomatska praksa", posle devedeset godina prvo izdanje na srpskom jeziku. Kako sam Roberts ističe, ovo je svojevrsna diplomatska biblija koja sugeriše novu realnost u...
Prvа izložbа, 72 godine nаkon velikog strаdаnjа Srbа i Jevrejа u kompleksu logorа smrti NDH Jаdovno-Gospić-Pаg, nаstаvljа svoj put. Izložbа koje je do sаdа viđenа u: Novom Sаdu, Beogrаdu, Sremskim Kаrlovcimа i Mitrovici, Muzeju Semberije u Bijeljini, u dobojskom muzeju, Dereventi, Brodu, Istočnom Novom Sаrаjevu, Trebinju i NJujorku, biće...
U nedelju 27.10. u zapadnom delu Londona, održavam svoj solo stand uip comedy show- S NOGU* (*Sredstvo za protiv jugonostalgije i jugofobije).Link na Facebook Event je ovaj: https://www.facebook.com/events/253882118093247/Sunday, October 27 (19-21h)Headliners Comedy Club @ GEORGE IV - www.georgeiv.co.uk185 Chiswick High Rd, London W4 2DRTickets: £10 on the door; £8...
Serb Map of the UK
June 1, 2013
Britić reveals the most comprehensive Serb map of Britain ever compiled.
Serbs have settled in Britain in post-war years and throughout
subsequent generations. And we have dispersed all over the country.
Indeed, fewer than twenty constituencies out of 646 have no Serb
households (that...