Kad god jedete ovaj hleb i čašu ovu pijete,
smrt Moju objavljujete
i vaskrsenje Moje ispovedate (sr. 1. Kor 11,26)
Sabrani danas na Svetoj Liturgiji, objavljujemo svetu smrt Hristovu i Vaskrsenje Njegovo ispovedamo. No, ne ispovedamo Hristovo Vaskrsenje kao jedan davno prošli događaj, već projavljujemo Hrista vaskrslog prisutnog među nama Duhom Svetim na liturgijskom sabranju. Tako je bilo od prvog javljanja vaskrslog Hrista Svojim učenicima, a što su nam oni zasvedočili i ostavili kao sveto predanje (Lk 24,30–31), koje se sastoji u tome da je vaskrsli Gospod naš Isus Hristos sa nama u sve dane – i dok ponovo u slavi ne dođe – u evharistijskom sabranju mnogih oko jednog episkopa i služitelja ove velike Tajne Njegove. Po rečima Svetog Ignjatija Bogonosca: „tamo gde je episkop, tamo neka bude i mnoštvo naroda; jer onde gde je Hristos, onde je i vaseljenska Crkva“.
Vaskrsli Hristos, jedini naš Spasitelj, Nada naša, neodvojiv je od Svoga Tela, koje smo mi, zajednica mnogih krštenih u smrt Njegovu i savaskrslih s Njim u novi život. I zato onde gde je Telo Njegovo, onde je i On kao glava telu.
Naše predanje, draga naša duhovna deco, nije od ljudi, već od Boga; i ne dolazi prosto iz prošlosti i iz dubine vekova da bi se mi tamo vraćali i na njega sećali. Ono dolazi „odozgo“ – od Boga, Oca svetlosti, Koji Svojim prisustvom sve osmišljuje i ispunjava. Blagovoljenjem Boga i Oca i posredstvom Svetoga Duha, Sin Božiji ulazi u istoriju, gradeći od nje liturgijsku zajednicu kojom uzima tvorevinu i sjedinjuje je sa Sobom, čineći je tako Svojim Telom i oslobađajući je od smrti. To Duh Sveti čini svaki put kad se saberemo na jednom mestu oko jednog služitelja radi Evharistije, odnosno radi blagodarnosti Ocu što je volja Njegova bila da nas dovede iz nebića u biće, i da nas učini pričasnicima Njegovog večnog života u Hristu kroz Duha Svetoga.
Stradanje i raspeće Hristovo svedoči o strašnoj tragediji i bolesti od koje pati čitava tvorevina – a to je smrt. Ona je izvor svih zala koja snalaze čovečanstvo i čitavu tvorevinu od početka. Kad smrti nestane, nestaće i zla među ljudima i neprijateljstva među stvorenjima. Ne zavaravajmo se, draga naša duhovna deco, da smrt, tog strašnog i poslednjeg neprijatelja cele tvorevine, možemo prevazići sami bez zajednice sa Bogom u vaskrslom Hristu. Naša priroda, kao i ona oko nas, samo nam daje lažan utisak da je postojana i večna, dok je smrt razjeda i pretvara je u prah i ništavilo. Zato se ne uzdajmo u nju da će nas ona osloboditi smrti, kad i ona sama stenje i pati, čekajući upravo nas, sinove Božije, da je oslobodimo ropstva raspadljivosti. A to mi možemo učiniti samo u zajednici ljubavi u Telu Hristovom, koje je evharistijsko sabranje. Zajednica ljubavi sa Gospodom je jedina koja našu smrtnu prirodu može učiniti besmrtnom. Pa, zar nam to Gospod nije posvedočio i kroz naše telesno rađanje koje je, međutim, samo slika duhovnog rađanja, rađanja Duhom Svetim za netruležnost. čak je i telesno rađanje i postojanje prirode plod, ne nje same, već zajednice ljubavi.
Ako smo, pak, mi Telo Hristovo i članovi toga tela, i ako smo vaskrsli sa Njim u novi život, tada, po rečima Apostola, „umrtvimo naša tela za plotska uživanja“ i ne ponašajmo se kao da ćemo sutra umreti i sa tim će se sve završiti, nego živimo novim životom kao stanovnici budućeg Carstva Božijeg, koje nam je darovano od Oca u Hristu posredstvom Svetoga Duha. Živimo u zajednici ljubavi sa Gospodom kroz zajednicu sa svima koji su Telo Njegovo, i sa onima koji to još nisu kao da jesu. Ta zajednica je Evharistija koja nas čini ličnostima, a ne individuama samodovoljnim sebi. Ovaj novi, liturgijski način života tvorevine jeste ikona božanskog načina života. Kao što je Sveta Trojica zajednica slobode, ljubavi Oca i Sina i Svetoga Duha, tako je i Liturgija zajednica ljubavi mnogih ličnosti sa Gospodom Isusom Hristom.
Braćo naša ljubljena u Gospodu, koji se podvizavate i trudite u mnogim podvizima da dostignete svetost i život večni, ne zaboravite da je jedini Svet Gospod naš Isus Hristos, i da samo u zajednici s Njim postajemo i mi naslednici Njegove svetosti. Jer samo onaj koji u Gospodu stoji – u vrlini stoji; jer je Gospod izvor svake vrline, po rečima Apostola: „Iz Njega ste i vi u Hristu Isusu, Koji nam postade premudrost od Boga i pravednost i osvećenje i izbavljenje“ (1. Kor 1,30). A to je jedino moguće ako smo u zajednici sa Gospodom i sa svom našom braćom, jer je Gospod samo ovde prisutan. Ne zamenjujmo živoga Gospoda zakonima i stvarima, i nemojmo se ponašati tako kao da Gospod nije došao u telu i postao čovek. Ne tražimo Gospoda mimo čoveka, odnosno mimo ljudi koji su postali Telo Njegovo i od kojih je Gospod neodvojiv. Ljubav prema ljudima i služenje njima znači služenje i ljubav prema Gospodu.
Braći našoj zabludelima i raskolnicima obraćamo se s ljubavlju da jedno imaju na umu: Ako misle da Duhom Svetim čine to što čine, varaju se, jer neznaju da Duh uvodi u zajednicu sa svima koji su sa Hristom, a ne razdire i ne komada Telo Hristovo. U Telu Hristovom su svi jedno: nema ni Grka ni Jevrejina, ni roba ni slobodnjaka. Zato, ne zamenjujmo živoga Hrista, Koji je postao konkretan čovek, bilo čime, bilo kime: ni nacionalnim simvolima, ni političkim ideologijama. Ujedinimo se u Gospodu, u Liturgiji, kroz zajednicu sa konkretnim živim ljudima, a ne u idejama i mrtvim simvolima i prolaznim stvarima. Ne cepajmo Telo Hristovo zbog vlastoljublja. Setimo se da se u Crkvi vlast sastoji u tome što ne možemo jedni bez drugih da postojimo – ni kao hrišćani, ni kao episkopi, ni kao sveštenici, i da je vlast u služenju drugome.
Sve takve, dakle, opominjemo – brinući za njihovo spasenje – da ne čine istu grešku koju učiniše i savremenici Hristovi, i da zbog slabosti brata svoga ne prepoznaju u njemu Gospoda i jedinog Spasitelja našeg. Da se, odvajajući od brata zato što je nemoćan, ne odvoje od Samog Gospoda, jedinog Izvora života, i postanu tako robovi zakona i mrtvog slova koje ubija i vodi u smrt. „Jer gledajte, braćo, na vas pozvane: nema tu ni mnogo mudrih po telu, ni mnogo moćnih, ni mnogo plemenita roda; nego što je ludo pred svetom ono izabra Bog da posrami mudre; i što je slabo pred svetom ono izabra Bog da posrami jake“ (1. Kor 1,26–27). Koliko god da su naša braća po našim merilima nedostojni, u njima prisustvuje raspeti i vaskrsli Gospod, Koji je jedini Sudija; i On će svakome suditi kad dođe u slavi Svojoj.
Mladići i devojke, uteho naša u Gospodu, ne dajte da vas mladost zavede i da vam da lažnu nadu da ćete ostvarenje svoje slobode i svoju sreću naći u sebi samima, ili, pak, u prirodi mimo Hrista, odnosno mimo Bogočovečanske zajednice ljubavi sa drugim ljudima. Imajte u vidu da je drugi čovek brat vaš i sapatnik u borbi protiv smrti, ne bi li se nje oslobodio. Od smrti niko ne može osloboditi; jedino Hristos Koji je zajednica ljubavi u Duhu Svetom.
Vi koji ste stari i bolesni ne tugujte i ne očajavajte, jer je Gospod naš i Sam stradao, umro i vaskrsao. Vaskrsenjem Hristovim ublažavajte svoju muku, jer nismo za privremeni život stvoreni, nego za večnost.
Draga naša duhovna deco, koji ste mržnjom ljudskom prognani sa Kosova i Metohije i drugih krajeva – sa svojih vekovnih ognjišta, rasejani po svetu, i vi koji ste otišli u potrazi za boljim životom, radujte se i vi danas, i ne tugujte. Svi mi, zajedno sa svim čestitim ljudima u svetu, duboko smo potreseni najnovijim pogromom nad našim narodom na Kosovu i Metohiji i nad razaranjem naših svetinja. To su nove rane na Telu raspetog Hrista. Zato i sada, u ovom novom raspeću, kao i uvek za sve nas postoji jedna prava nada – a to je vaskrsli Gospod, oko Koga treba da se saberemo i okupimo. Sve nas koji se u Gospoda nadamo i u Njega verujemo ovo treba samo da podseća da smo ovde bez postojanog grada i u rasejanju i vremenskom i prostornom, dok nam Gospod ponovo ne dođe i sabere narod Svoj sa svih krajeva zemlje. Zato, ne tugujmo; nismo u rasejanju sve dok smo članovi Crkve i dok u srcu svome nosimo svoje svetinje. A zemlja je Gospodnja, i On je vraća i daje u večno nasledstvo samo onima koji su Njegovi.
Radujmo se danas svi, jer smo predokusili večni život, kao što se radujemo svake nedelje, slaveći Vaskrsenje Hristovo u liturgijskom sabranju. Ko se ne raduje danas kada Crkva Božija kliče „Hristos vaskrse“ sličan je osuđeniku na smrt, kome donose vest da je pomilovan, a on i dalje tuguje. Ne zaboravimo, međutim, da Carstvo Božije još nije u punoći došlo. Nemojmo se sećati Vaskrsenja Hristovog samo od praznika do praznika. Hristovo vaskrsenje je naš život i naše vaskrsenje i učestvovanje u radosnoj tajni Carstva nebeskog. Jer, po rečima Apostola: „kao što u Adamu svi umiru, tako će i u Hristu svi oživeti. No, svaki u svome redu: Prvenac Hristos, potom, o Njegovu dolasku, oni koji su Hristovi“ (1. Kor 15,22–23).
Molimo se Bogu i Ocu da nam Gospod što pre dođe u sili i slavi, jer će nam tada doći potpuno oslobođenje od smrti kroz opšte vaskrsenje mrtvih i Carstvo Božije u punoći, koje će potvrditi svu istinu istorije i ljudskog života. Po rečima Apostola: „ako nema vaskrsenja mrtvih, to ni Hristos nije ustao“ (1. Kor 15,13).
S ovom nadom u Gospoda, još jednom vas sveradosno pozdravljamo:
Dano u Patrijaršiji srpskoj u Beogradu, o Vaskrsu 2004. godine.
Vaši molitvenici pred Raspetim i Vaskrslim Gospodom:
Arhiepiskop pećki,
Mitropolit beogradsko-karlovački i
Patrijarh srpski PAVLE
Mitropolit zagrebačko-ljubljanski JOVAN
Mitropolit crnogorsko-primorski
Mitropolit srednjezapadnoamerički
Mitropolit dabrobosanski NIKOLAJ
Episkop šabačko-valjevski LAVRENTIJE
Episkop niški IRINEJ
Episkop zvorničko-tuzlanski VASILIJE
Episkop sremski VASILIJE
Episkop banjalučki JEFREM
Episkop budimski LUKIJAN
Eipskop kanadski GEORGIJE
Eipskop banatski NIKANOR
Episkop za Ameriku i Kanadu
. Mitropolije novogračaničke LONGIN
Episkop istočnoamerički MITROFAN
Episkop banatski HRIZOSTOM
Episkop bački IRINEJ
Episkop britansko-skandinavski DOSITEJ
Episkop raško-prizrenski ARTEMIJE
Episkop umirovljeni zahumsko-hercegovački ATANASIJE
Episkop bihaćko-petrovački HRIZOSTOM
Episkop osečko-poljski i baranjski LUKIJAN
Episkop srednjoevropski KONSTANTIN
Episkop zapadnoevropski LUKA
Episkop timočki JUSTIN
Episkop vranjski PAHOMIJE
Episkop šumadijski JOVAN
Episkop slavonski SAVA
Episkop braničevski IGNjATIJE
Episkop mileševski FILARET
Episkop dalmatinski FOTIJE
Episkop zahumsko-hercegovački GRIGORIJE
Episkop budimljansko-nikšićki JOANIKIJE
Episkop australijsko-novozelandski
. Mitrooplije novogračaničke MILUTIN
Vikarni Episkop hvostanski ATANASIJE
Vikarni Episkop jegarski PORFIRIJE
Mitropolit veleški i povardarski JOVAN,
. patrijaraški egzarh autonomne
. Ohridske arhiepiskopije
Vikarni Episkop velički i mestobljustitelj
. (administrator) Eparhije pološko-kumanovske JOAKIM
Vikarni Episkop dremvicki i mestobljustitelj
. Eparhije bitoljske MARKO
By the grace of God
Orthodox Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch, with all the Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church—to all the clergy, monastics, and all the sons and daughters of our holy Church: grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, with the joyous paschal greeting:
Whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup,
you proclaim My death and you confess My resurrection.
–I Cor. 11:26
Gathered today at the Divine Liturgy, we are proclaiming to the world the death of Christ, and we are confessing His Resurrection. But we are not confessing His Resurrection as some event of the distant past; rather we are proclaiming the risen Christ Who is present amongst us through the Holy Spirit at this liturgical assembly. So it has been since the first appearance of the risen Christ to His disciples, as they witnessed and left to us as Holy Tradition (Lk. 24:30-31), and which is found in the fact that our risen Lord Jesus Christ is with us every day—until He comes again in His glory—in the eucharistic assembly of the many around their bishop, the servitor of this great sacramental Mystery of Christ. In the words of St. Ignatius the God-bearer of Antioch, “Where the bishop is, there also let the people be, for where Christ is, there also is the universal Church.”
The risen Christ, our only Savior, our Hope, is not separated from His Body, which we are as the community of those who have been baptized into His death and have been raised up with Him into a new life. That is why where His Body is, there He is also as the Head of the Body.
Our tradition, our preaching, our dear spiritual children, is not from men, but from God; and it does not come simply out of the past and out of the depths of time so that we might be able to return there and remember those times past. It came “from above”—from God, the Father of lights, Who by His presence explains and fills all things. By the good will of the God and Father and the intercession of the Holy Spirit, the Son of God comes into history, building from it a liturgical community by which He takes creation and unites it to Himself, so making it His own Body and freeing it from death. The Holy Spirit does exactly this every time we gather in one place around one celebrant for the Eucharist, that is, to make thanksgiving to the Father whose will it was to bring us from non-existence into being, and to make us communicants of eternal life in Christ through the Holy Spirit.
The passion and crucifixion of Christ witnesses to the terrible tragedy and sickness from which the whole of creation suffers—and that is death. Death is the source of all the evils which have befallen humankind and all of creation from the beginning. When death no longer exists, neither will there exist either evil among people or animosity among creatures. We do not deceive ourselves, our dear spiritual children, into believing that we can overcome death, that terrible and final enemy of all creation, by ourselves, without union with God in the risen Christ. Our own nature, as well as the nature around us, only gives us the false impression that it is enduring and eternal, even as death consumes and transforms it into dust and nothingness. Therefore we do not put our trust in nature that it will liberate us from death, since it itself groans and suffers, in fact expecting us, as children of God, to free it from bondage to decay. And we can only do this in the community of love in the Body of Christ, which is the eucharistic assembly. The communion of love with the Lord is the only thing which can make our mortal nature immortal. Hasn’t the Lord shown us this through our physical birth, which is nonetheless only an image of spiritual birth, the birth through the Holy Spirit unto incorruption. Even physical birth and natural existence is the fruit, not of itself, but of the union of love.
If we are, then, the Body of Christ and members of that Body, and if we are risen with Him into the new life, then, in the words of the Apostle, “let us deaden our bodies to physical passions” and not behave as if we will die tomorrow and that will be the end of everything. Rather, let us live the new life as citizens of the coming Kingdom of God, which is given to us by the Father in Christ through the Holy Spirit. Let us live in the communion of love with the Lord through fellowship with all those who are in His Body, and also with all those who are not yet so, as though they are. That community is the Eucharist, which makes us persons, and not self-sufficient individuals. This new, liturgical way of created life is the icon of the divine way of life. Just as the Holy Trinity is a union of freedom, of the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so also the Liturgy is the communion of love of many persons with their Lord Jesus Christ.
Beloved in the Lord, who struggle and labor in many spiritual efforts to reach holiness and eternal life, do not forget that the only Holy One is our Lord Jesus Christ, and that it is only in union with Him that we may become heirs of His holiness. For only he who stands in the Lord stands in virtues; for the Lord is the source of every virtue, as the Apostle says, “God is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.” (I Cor. 1:30) And that is only possible if we are in union with the Lord and with our brothers, for the Lord is only present here. Let us not replace the living Lord with laws and things, and let us not act as if the Lord has not come in the flesh and become a man. Let us not search for the Lord except as a man, that is except as those who have become His Body and from whom the Lord is not separated. Love towards people and service to them means service and love towards God.
Let us turn to our brothers who have gone astray and are in schism with love, that they may have only one thing in mind: If they think that they are doing what they are doing by the Holy Spirit, they are mistaken, for they do not know that the Spirit leads us into unity with all those who are with Christ, but does not tear apart or disunite the Body of Christ. In the Body of Christ all are one: there is neither Greek nor Jew, neither slave nor free. Therefore, let us not confuse the living Christ, Who became a concrete human being, with anything or anybody else: neither with nationalistic symbols, nor political ideologies. Let us unite ourselves in the Lord, in the Liturgy, by communion with concrete human beings, and not in ideas and dead symbols and passing things. Let us not tear apart the Body of Christ because of love for power. Let us remember that in the Church authority consists in something which we cannot become without each other — neither as Christians, nor as bishops, nor as priests, and that authority is found in serving one another.
Let us remind all such — with concern for their salvation — not to commit the same sin which was committed by the contemporaries of Christ, that because of the weakness of their brother they do not recognize in him our only Lord and Savior. In separating themselves from their brother because he is weak, let them take care that they do not separate themselves also from the Lord Himself, the only Source of life, and so become slaves to the law and the dead words which kill and lead to death. “For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty.” (I Cor. 1:26-27) No matter how unworthy our brothers may be according to our standards, in them is present the crucified and risen Lord, Who is the only Judge; and He shall judge everyone when He comes in His glory.
Young people, our consolation in the Lord, do not allow your youth to mislead you and give you the false hope that you might be able to realize your freedom and your happiness on your own by yourselves, or even in the natural world without Christ, that is, apart from the Divine-human community of love with others. Be aware that other people are your brothers and sisters and your fellow sufferers in the struggle against death, but also be aware that that struggle will not bring freedom. No one can liberate us from death except Christ Who is the communion of love in the Holy Spirit.
You who are old and sick, do not grieve and despair, for our Lord Himself suffered, died and rose again. Alleviate your suffering by the Resurrection of Christ, for we are not made for this passing life, but for eternity.
Our dear spiritual children who by human hatred have been exiled from your homes in Kosovo and Metohija and other areas — from your ancient homesteads to be scattered throughout the world, and you who have emigrated in search of a better life, rejoice today and do not grieve. All of us, together with all honorable people throughout the world, have been deeply shaken by the latest pogrom against our people in Kosovo and Metohija, and by the destruction of our holy places. These are new wounds on the Body of the crucified Christ. Therefore even now, during this new crucifixion, just as at all times, we have only one true hope — the risen Lord, around Whom we need to gather and congregate. All of us who hope and believe in the Lord simply need to remind ourselves that we are all here without a permanent home and that we are all in exile in both time and place, until the Lord comes again to gather His people from all the corners of the world. Therefore do not grieve; we are never in exile as long as we are members of the Church and as long as we carry our holy shrines within our hearts. The earth is the Lord’s, and He will return and give it as an everlasting inheritance only to the who belong to Him.
Let us all rejoice today, for we have had a foretaste of eternal life, just as we rejoice each Sunday as we celebrate the Resurrection of Christ in the liturgical assembly. Whoever does not rejoice today when the Church of God cries out, “Christ is risen” is like the prisoner condemned to death who, on receiving the news that he has been pardoned, continues to grieve. Nevertheless, let us not forget that the Kingdom of God has not yet come in its fullness. Let us not remember the Resurrection of Christ just when the holiday comes around. Christ’s Resurrection is our life and our resurrection and our participation in the joyous mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven. For, in the words of the Apostle, “As in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order, Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ’s at His coming.” (I Cor. 15:22-23)
Let us pray to the God and Father that the Lord will come to us quickly in power and glory, for then with Him will come to us complete liberation from death through the general resurrection of the dead, and the Kingdom of God in its fullness, which will confirm all the truths of history and human life. In the words of the Apostle, “If there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen.” (I Cor. 15:13)
With this hope in the Lord, we once again greet you with the most joyous greeting,
Given at the Serbian Patriarchate in Belgrade at Pascha, 2004.
Your intercessors before the Crucified and Risen Lord,
Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch PAVLE
Metropolitan of Zagreb and Ljubljana JOVAN
Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Coastlands AMPHILOHIJE
Metropolitan of Midwestern America CHRISTOPHER
Metropolitan of Dabro-Bosna NIKOLAJ
Bishop of Shabac-Valjevo LAVRENTIJE
Bishop of Nish IRINEJ
Bishop of Zvornik-Tuzla VASILIJE
Bishop of Srem VASILIJE
Bishop of Banja Luka JEFREM
Bishop of Budim LUKIJAN
Bishop of Canada GEORGIJE
Bishop of Banat NIKANOR
Bishop for America and Canada (New Gracanica Metropolitanate) LONGIN
Bishop of Eastern America MITROPHAN
Bishop of Zica CHRYSOSTOM
Bishop of Backa IRINEJ
Bishop of Great Britain and Scandinavia DOSITEJ
Bishop of Ras and Prizren ARTEMIJE
Retired Bishop of Zahumlje and Hercegovina ATANASIJE
Bishop of Bihac and Petrovac CHRYSOSTOM
Bishop of Osijek and Baranja LUKIJAN
Bishop of Central Europe CONSTANTINE
Bishop of Western Europe LUKA
Bishop of Timok JUSTIN
Bishop of Vranje PAHOMIJE
Bishop of Sumadija JOVAN
Bishop of Slavonia SAVA
Bishop of Branicevo IGNATIJE
Bishop of Milesevo FILARET
Bishop of Dalmatia FOTIJE
Bishop of Zahumlje and Hercegovina GRIGORIJE
Bishop of Budimlje and Niksic JOANIKIJE
Bishop of Australia and New Zealand (New Gracanica Metropolitanate) MILUTIN
Vicar Bishop of Hvostno ATANASIJE
Vicar Bishop of Jegar PORFIRIJE
The Orthodox Archdiocese of Ochrid
Metropolitan of Veles and Povardara JOVAN,
Patriarchal Exarch of the Autonomous Archdiocese of Ohrid
Vicar Bishop of Velic and locum tenens (administrator) of the Diocese of Polos-Kumanovo JOAKIM
Vicar Bishop of Dremvic and locum tenens of the Diocese of Bitolj MARKO